Customer Testimonials

We pride ourselves on providing our customers with the highest level of customer service. Here's what they have to say.

Lee was a pleasure to work with on the phone and in person. He answered all of my questions and moved our Cforce 500 purchase along very smoothly. Very big place that has something for everybody. Really nice waiting area as well! 🙂 Highly recommend Lee and his crew. Thanks!

Joe Dvorak

Needed a completely and utterly stripped/circled cowling bolt taken out that was torqued to the nines. Went in, asked them if they could do anything about it, and within 3 minutes I was in and out and they got it taken care of. Free of charge too! Quick work by wonderful people!!

Evangelios Pappas

Brionna was excellent in communicating the needs my Honda Talon had for periodic services and the tech did a great hop Repairing my brake lines and performing the 1,800 mile service. I’ve purchased several Machines from Tousley over the years and will always buy and service Them at Tousley. See Johnny O. If you’re looking for a new or used toy. He’ll tell it to you straight and be sure you’re happy When you leave!

Terry Cook

I had a great experience at Tousley Motorsports. Found the exact bike I wanted in tip-top shape with excellent customer service and attention-to-detail. I highly recommend this dealership.

Carlos Garcia

I thought they did a great job. Even with all the difficulties going on whereas me changing the plan, the weather not cooperating, at the end of the day did they did great. I have a rather large trip planned for the summer again. They’ve been getting the motorcycle ready for large trips reliably for quite some time

Bruce Peck

Jonny O is great to work with. I don't know who the finance guy was, but he was also great to work with. I'm writing back because ever since I wrote my review, my E mail in box has been blowing up with unnecessary ads and junk. Every 15minutes. I'm sorry I wrote the review now.

Rick Carlen

They called me saying they got an CFMOTO 1000XL in stock I didn’t even have a deposit until they called! JT was wonderful to work with and boy do I love my new rig!! Thanks Tousley!!

Whitney Durbin

The people were friendly and helpful. Answering any and many of questions I had my wife had. They finished earlier then stated which was fantastic cause I can ride for the holiday. I plan on shopping there again.

Nelson Cruz